
Monday 18 July 2022

Blazing Monday morning in Newlyn.

Something in the air this morning, Lionel is busy weeding - before...

and after...

meanwhile Monday morning's market saw mainly inshore trawl and line caught fish up for auction...

like these mackerel...


and brill, caught by local hero Tom on the Guardian who successfully rescued the stricken yacht Pir2 after she capsized within sight of him while fishing SW of Lands End...

maybe Jamie Oliver has invested in a fishing boat...

trawl caught John Dory...

line caught mullet from Capn'n Cod...

and trap caught cuttles...

along with a few boxes of sardines landed last night by the Lyonesse...

ask Alexa and 2.4kg of mackerel shall be given...

possible signs of squid on the move this morning...

not as fast as Graham though...

monk cut in chunks make magnificent BBQ kebabs...

while lemons are best kept on the bone...

another day for the local angling boat, Freedom...

in mirror-like conditions...

another tier of nest gets over-ended - machines like that enable boats as small as the Bonnie Grace to work singlehanded...

there's a number of inshore beam trawlers working from Newlyn at the moment like the Fleetwood registered Providing Star...

and the Simon Paul...

the Union flag just about unfurled in a the gentle morning zephyrs...

Spirited Lady will be away later today...

the tidy creel boat Katy B...

salvaged yacht Pir2 is now awaiting repairs before heading back to France and a welcome reception...

enough gill nets to fill an artic...

work in progress on Stevenson's tug...

be aware! - number plate recognition is now a thing for all areas including the car park in Newlyn.