
Monday 16 May 2022

Spanish flag of convenience boat just one of many boats to land on a busy Monday morning in Newlyn.

Over the weekend...

the out-bound Acciona...

and in-bound Debbie V...

all set to sail aboard Cornishman...

and the Lilly Grace is tied up at the fish market waiting for the tide to drop...

the 400kg tub full of water used to lean her into the quay so that she does not fall the wrong way when taking the bottom...

Monday morning's market saw a solid landing of seine net fish...

mainly hake...

and haddock...

along with boxes of prime like these red mullet...

and whole monk...

the beam trawler St Georges filled in the gaps with a trip that included greater weavers...



and monk tails...

all set for despatch...

the inshore fleet landed plaice...

John Dory...

and a cracking Mediterranean octopus...

mackerel are still thin on the ground...

so may inshore boats are taking advantage of the cuttles that have come inshore to lay their eggs...

the Maverick was top of the line caught pollack landings...

many of these boats keep their day's catch in these insulated tubs which add days to the shelf life of their catch...

the latest netter to join the fleet is the refitted Kelly of Ladram skippered by none another than Alan Dwan...

after the fire and nearly two years of time the scaffolding has finally come down from the Fishermen's Arms...

boats like the Monte Mazanteu will be an increasingly familiar sight when the flag of convenience fleet are required to make 70% of their landings into a UK port after 2026 and the end of the transition period...

the 23m French stern trawler Cézembre also stopped by over the weekend...

Spanish crewman all set to let go the bow rope...

as the big stern trawler prepare to leave...

another red stern trawler, the visiting Brixham boat, Sophie Jane of Ladram.