
Friday 13 May 2022

#FishyFriday the 13th in Newlyn, make your own luck in life!

The only ripples...

in an otherwise mirror-like harbour this morning...

while on the market several boats are hoping that Friday the 13th will see good prices for turbot...

with over 100 boxes up for auction from just two boats...

good supplies of fish don't stop there with ray...

and hake filling on end of the market tis morning...

sharks landed under special dispensation, the aptly named, spurdog...

along with the netters, several inshore trawlers made the best of the continuing fine weather...

 and landed good shots of quality inshore fish...

hen, cock and spider claws...

the one beam trawler to and kept supplies of megrim or 'merry sole' as they were known many years ago...

a handful of handliners pulled pollack from the deeps, while inshore mackerel are continuing to prove totally elusive...

weighing in with a trip of top quality MC Certified hake the netter Ygraine did her bit to keep restauranteurs and chefs all over the UK happy...

no bait, no crabs, the potting fleet are kept supplied by the activities of the trawl and beam trawl fleet...

who always manage to pick up a few of these slippery characters...

function over form, no-one is ever going to reminisce about the the classic lines of the wind farm fleet are they?..

or the swept stern on modern stern trawlers...

though the bow of the recently launched Orion has more pleasing lines...

for those entering Newlyn for the first time it is worth noting the number of buffs just off the gaps, take care not to foul your prop...

less than 'cat'-like curves.