
Wednesday 16 March 2022

Rare Greenland shark stranded then finally landed in Newlyn.

It was skipper Trev and young Kingsley Thomas aboard the Mermaid Pleasure Trips boat, Vanessa Jane who spotted the drifting body of the 14' long Greenland shark ably assisted by Stevenson's new market manager Quentin Knights...

one whom is never far from any action, waded in to lend a hand getting the hefty fish ashore...

along with a few extra helping hands...

by pure coincedence, it was Newlyn resident and Institute of Zoolgical member, Rosie Woodroffe, who first spotted the washed up body on the shingle at Sandy Cove - she said said she thinks this is only the third Greenland shark stranding ever recorded in Britain - one on the Isle of May in the 19th Century and one in Northumberland in 2013. Apparently they seldom strand because they are such a deep water species. ...

This one seems to be the same individual that semi-stranded alive off Ushant island in Brittany on 7th March...

local memebers of the Cornwall marine Strandings network arrived to pick up the shark before taking it off to the Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme...

with a reminder that they are the people to call on 03452012626 if any stranded animal is spotted on the coast...


Hard to imagine this animal is thought to be capable of living up to 300 years - the longest lifespan of any living creature.