
Monday 14 March 2022

Monday morning market in Newlyn.

Seems a blue sky is all it takes to put a smile on things...

let's hope prices this morning made up for the hard week at sea that the netters had to endure...

especially for quality fish from the Ygaine like htis black bream...


and tub gurnards...

the Silver Dawn also landed a good shot of hake...

name the fish...

best time of year for roe from big wite fish, a little light oak smoke would turn this into the delicacy known as taramasoulata, which you can make for yourself - and it won't be that awful pink colour......

auction over, customer bound...

or smoothhounds to the rest of the world...

check out the silvery hake...

all set for the next landing...

currently being put ashore from the Joy of Ladram,...

180 boxes of prime MSC Certified Cornish hake...

she's off for breakfast...

Lionel and assistant harbourmstare, Jedna check out the finer details of the Greenland shark, one of which was washed up on Sandy Cove over the weekend, only the second recorded in England - they normally feed on decaying fish on the seabed in the icy waters of the Arctic...

Sam of Ladram is back in Newlyn.