
Monday 14 February 2022

Much fish on Monday morning's market in Newlyn.

There's a chance that with a horrendous forecast for the rest of the week this may well be the last time young Roger Nowell lands a trip of fish...

from his beloved Immy...

he'll be hoping for some excellent rices on Monday's market...

though this pair of John Dory hardly reflects his usual success at targeting these fish over the years...

one very sleepy ling...

the netters landed some top quality tub gurnard...

and filled much of the first auction chill room...

with hake form the netters Silver Dawn...

and Stelissa...

every ray has a unique arrangement of spots...

cuttles of course can change their appearance in an instant...

good enough to eat raw...

let's hope young Roger gets his boxes back...

plenty of pollack on the ground picked up by the Spirited Lady II...

it's roe time of year as big white fish move over the ground to spawn...

Dovers, stock-in-trade fish for the beamer...

and, unusually a few boxes of cod, also a sign that it is spawning tme for these fish...

always the tails...

the Ajax  had a solid landing of pollack...

while herring are still being picked up locally...

yet more pollack, available in a Morriosn's supermarket near you...

the delicious looking and tasing gilt-head bream...

moody sky this morning...

almost time for the buyers to pick up their morning's work...

cats are evermore popular as they make such stable working platforms for those with wonky knees...

name the young gull?