
Monday 14 February 2022

Inspiring thinking from Newlyn Harbour Commissioners - the future of Newlyn is bright!


Following the monthly Board Meeting of Newlyn Pier & Harbour Commissioners (NP&HC), the Commission reports on the local reaction to proposed developments at Newlyn Harbour.

The Advisory Board’s recent public exhibition of NP&HC’s strategic thinking in relation to the development of Sandy Cove was well received by those who attended and a high percentage are in favour.

Proposals include the creation of an access road from the A30 to Sandy Cove for HGV and other fishing industry-related vehicles, which would have a significant effect on traffic flow through Newlyn; a proposed marina in Penlee Quarry, and a curved breakwater at Sandy Cove that would reduce the impact of storm waves and tidal surges, as well as provide deep water berths to cater for much larger fishing, sailing and commercial vessels.

As this proposed development impacts on the whole of Newlyn, not just the Harbour estate, it would require a transformative level of funding. NP&HC will now take this to the next stage by discussing it with Cornwall Council and other key stakeholders.

The Harbour Commission is very excited to see local support for such an adventurous and futuristic project that would benefit our hardworking fisherfolk, preserve the fishery and take Newlyn into the 22nd and 23rd centuries, and even beyond,” explains Chairman of NP&HC, Rob Wing. “We have tasked our Cornwall Council Harbour Commissioner, Cllr Peter Channon, to discuss our ideas with Cornwall Council’s Leader, Cllr Linda Taylor, to determine whether there is an appetite to take this forward and gain a better understanding of the chances of an access road from the A30 to Sandy Cove being built, which is both the strength and the Achilles’ heel of the project."

With that knowledge, we will then make a formal approach to Cornwall Council and the UK Government, via George Eustice, in his capacity as Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to find out how best to make this happen as it is a major project that requires a multi-agency approach. If Cornwall Council support it, the Government will listen.

Newly elected Advisory Board chairman Paul Durkin said, 

"Newlyn Harbour Advisory Board is delighted to note that the concepts it has proposed and exhibited to the public at the exhibition after Christmas have been taken on board by the Commission as part of its strategy. We recognise and applaud the ambition shown and the steps already taken to engage with local and central government to help make this happen."

In addition, post 2026 will see a very different relationship forged with other EU states that fish in the Western Approaches, one that will see fishing and other related industries looking to have a presence in the UK's best placed fishing port to reduce travel, transport and supply issues.