
Wednesday 3 November 2021

Tuesday evening into Wednesday morning's market.

Shouldn't be too long before the Cornishman in her new company colours takes to sea again...

as the light begins to fade the sardine fleet head away to sea, first away is the Mayflower...

followed by the Resolute...

then the Silver Dawn...

and the Lyonesse...

under a huge anvil Cumulonimbus cloud hanging over the Lizard...

it must be some twenty miles across the top as Dan the sardine man gets to enjoy the full majesty of the giant cloud...

the scalloper Manx Ranger...

time to refuel...

by the man who knows what it takes...

all-round red over white lights indicates a fishing vessel not engaged in trawling...

Wednesday morning's market was a mix of inshore trawl fish. a handful of cuttles...

the odd JD...


but plenty of ray...

especially blondes...

the odd brill...

more ray wings...

while the netter Ajax landed a few rare cod...

and a big shot of hake to finish off the tide...

Countryfile star Tom also managed a few whiting......

always good to see the boss man up bright and early...

Tom managed a good few JDs...

while squid are still very much a rarity...

the handliners often pick up the odd conger over rough ground...

visiting small scalloper, Cam Courageous there's not too many of these small inshore beam trawl vessels these days...

a hurricane-like cloud formation passed over Mounts Bay at first light this morning.