
Monday 1 November 2021

Talk to MP Derek Thomas in the Star Inn Newlyn on Thursday, November 4th.


L-R MP Derek Thomas, harbour commissioner Kevin Bennets and MP George Eustace.

With the future of Newlyn, which depends heavily on the income generated directly though fishing and associated trades this week's surgery being held in the Star Inn, Newlyn provides the perfect opportunity to question or put across your thoughts directly to local MP Derek Thomas.

The harbour is looking at a number of large scale concepts based on feedback from harbour users over the last few yeas to future-proof the port well into the 21st century - and some of these plans depend on the creation of an access road that connects the harbour and all the new developments planned for Sandy Cove and beyond.  

Private and commercial traffic passing through Newlyn currently causes chaos at peak times as as heavy goods vehicles, buses, holiday and local traffic negotiate the narrow streets adjacent to the port or, worse still, head up and down Chywoone (Paul ) Hill. 

Newlyn, like many areas is in desperate need for affordable housing in oder to meet the growing demands made by the expansion of local fishing and related businesses - a positive sign for the future of the town but one which is seriously hampered by the lack of sufficient and suitable accommodation.

Historically, the Star Inn has witnessed the making and enacting of many plans from the seeds of an idea - the most famous being when seven men talking over a pint in 1854 decided they would sail to Australia to make their fortune aboard the lugger Mystery. They set sail on the 18th of November that year and made the world's first trans-oceanic voyage in a yacht - the same journey was re-enacted by adventure sailor Pete Goss in 2008.

Derek Thomas will be at the bar of the Star ready to answer your questions from 6:15 until 7:15, so don't be late!

Check out the harbour's concept plans here.