
Sunday 4 July 2021

Need for Evidence from Fishermen on Trawl Mesh Size Consultation

NUTFARequest to fishermen to provide evidence 

NUTFA are urgently seeking evidence from fishermen regarding the proposed increase in mesh size to 100mm that is about to imposed on fishermen in the next few months. 

It is anticipated that the impact of the increase in mesh size to 100mm, which is set to come into force in September 2021, will have ramifications on the catch of many species, particularly for those fishermen targeting sole.

The evidence contained within the CEFAS sampling that took place in May 2021, which relates to a very short sampling period, requires challenge as it's reliability as to initial findings over a few weeks, and also in respect of the impact that it will have on the inshore fishing fleet, particularly those fishing in Area 7e.

Please email or to forward feedback as to how the proposed change in mesh size increase to cod end to 100mm will affect your financial viability, taking into account impact on catch, once the new legislation is in force. Any queries in the interim, please contact Sarah on 07402 089170.

Thank you.

Jerry Percy