
Monday 5 July 2021

Loads of prime day boat fish on Newlyn market - before the rain comes.

Red mullet in tip-top condition from the Ocean Fish star ship Enterprise...

how is it that spurdogs always look like and old man who forgot to put their top set of dentures in?..

cod, the unmistakable hue of 'green'...

Newlyn fish auction can seem almost tropical at times...

the market was end-to-end with inshore trawl fish after a weekend of fine weather...

with the local boats landing monk...

and this mystery fish...

the odd box of octopus...

plenty of tub gurnard - the perfect fish for your BBQ when wrapped in wet newspaper with the belly stuffed full of fresh herbs like fennel and tarragon...

you'd need some platters not plates to serve these cracking turbot whole...

the ever handsome hake...

both main auction halls were full this morning...

today's 'name that fish' challenge...

good to see young Mr Worth landing a bog shot of lemons...

to go with his Dovers...

while the handliners went for quality not quantity...

with some mackerel and plenty of pollack to keep them busy...

while the Stelissa was the only other netter to get a landing in over the weekend...

before the ever-cheerful Magic waived his wand and disappeared over the horizon with Trelawney Fish's morning purchases...

looks like it's a full makeover in progress for the inshore trawler Southern Spirit currently up on the slip...

with a whaleback almost the size of a small trawler there's plenty of room for members of the 'shitehawk' brigade to decorate it with their guano - hence the built-in 'shit shower' in action on the Enterprise...

the smell of sardine shoals arriving must be in the air, that's five sardine nets on the quay now

someone must be happy to have retrieved an entire string of pots lost over the winter...

though not likely to be from these larger members of the crab fleet...

also towed up from the deep, one anchor...

local art work on view...

crab landing time for the Nicola of Ladra...

that's a lot of boat below the waterline...

classic sailing ship Irene at rest.