
Monday 17 May 2021

Monday morning in Newlyn.


Silver Dawn at dawn heads in through the gaps for the fish market...

she will pass a bevvy of the port's biggest crabbers, five of them currently between trips...

tyre fenders in the making...

they could come in handy...

the weekend saw a number of landings from boats large and small including these top quality red mullet from the Harvest Reaper...

and signs that the good fishing on ray has come to an end...

things are still pretty slack on the squid front...

though haddocks - which famously 30 years ago when one was landed in Looe had to be identified when it was landed - now they are caught and landed in every port landing fish from the Western Approaches...

with no netters landing hake supplies came courtesy of the big Sottish prawn boat Vision IV currently fishing on the banks west of the Scillys.......

traditionally, Scottish boats land their monk whole...

simply gutted through the belly rather than headed as is the practice for most local boats...

the boat also landed a few boxes of red mullet and ray...

along with a bigger run of megrims sole...

the buyers may not be present on the market in person any more but their fish tallies are everywhere...

just the remnants remain of life before the internet auction went live...

reds don't come much better quality than these koi carp-like fish...

or these big JDs...

the big Irish trawler Unity made a good landing of reds...



and haddock...

while the one beam trawler made do with megrims...

and monk as the bulk of its trip...

and just the one box of cod with the monthly quota barely workable...

the inshore guys landed their usual mix of top quality fish, some lucky enough to ht on a good shot of bass...

while others had to make do with pollack...

or cuttles...

meanwhile alongside the market the Silver Dawn was busy landing her first day's fishing of hake...

forced to head back to Newlyn with damage to the main net guide on the hauler...

with her nets still in the water the boat needs to get the repairs completed asap...

so she can get back to sea and continue fishing...

meanwhile, skipper Richard Carrol brings the crabber Nicola of Ladram alongside to take on spare gear and bait....

Just some of the boats coming and gong from Newlyn in recent days.