
Sunday 16 May 2021

Damp Newlyn Sunday morning and the picture-puzzle solution.

The new engineering workshop on the Canners slip is being kept busy and ideally suited to working on the plethora of small boats that Newlyn is home to...

the boys on the Unity will be dodging showers all day as they repair a spare trawl...

looks like the 100+ year old St Ives lugger Barnabas is about to have her masts put back in place...

four of the Rowse crabber fleet have a day off...

another member of the Scottish prawn fleet, Revival from Fraserburgh is in port...

come Monday all of Newlyn's pubs will be in action again and I'm sure Debbie will be in full-on bonhomie mode when she throws open the doors of the Star once more to thirsty guests...

who can now choose to socialise either there, the Swordfish...

 eat at the Tolcarne, owner Ben Tunnicliffe has also taken on the Falmouth Packet at Rosudgeon...

or one of those delicious crab sandwiches at the Red Lion...

while heading towards Mousehole it doesn't look like any pints will be pulled in the Fishermens Arms just yet!..

this was the picture puzzle earlier in the week, looking closely at the far left can be seen two slip paths down to the beach...

which are still there today - thought the beach was reclaimed and built on over 100 years ago...

looking at the point at which the extent of the buildings in the painting as they are today - the iceworks did not exist at the time.