
Monday 15 March 2021

Why Newlyn needs to grow.

A combination of poor weather which saw the entire fleet plus large visiting boats forced to tie up in Newlyn for the best part of a week highlighted a growing problem for the port - it isn't big enough for modern boats...

as this close-up shows, almost all the boats in this photo are aground, some the potential to damage themselves or the vessels they lay against...

even some of the netters, by no means the largest vessels in the feet, but modern deep-drafted vessels are taking the bottom well before low water on increasingly bigger, and therefore lower, tides...

creating a whole new outer harbour from the Sandy Cove area 
using stone from Penlee Quarry ...

Sandy Cove development site

(how many harbours have a ready-made supply of stone on its doorstep?) would not only provide much needed shore space but also provide deep-water berths for modern fishing vessels - but also larger visiting yachts ocean going yachts, wind farm support or even ferries. The harbour has recently put together a proposal based on the wishes of current harbour users which can be viewed (and comments added) here: