
Monday 24 February 2020

Spanish flag boat, Monte Mazanteu FD521 lands nearly 500 boxes of fish - but not one on Monday morning's market in Newlyn!

The ring netter Mayflower was the first boat to test the weather in the bay last night

 for shot of late season sardines...

while a few handliners also managed to land a few boxes of mackerel...

the netter Silver Dawn...

 landed top quality pollack...

the beam trawler Resurgam landed the usual beam trawl mix of fish like plaice...

and Dover sole...

as did the James RH...

at least the local fish shops will have fresh supplies to start the week...

though there won't be many of these JDs on their slabs...

big gurnards made excellent money...

and there are still shots of cuttles to be had working off the Devon coast...

both auctions were in full swing this morning...

with big smiles from one auctioneer in particular, young Ryan all smiles and in full flow...

there were a few big turbot...

and monk heads are now saved by the beam trawlers for bait...

while down the end of the Mary Williams pier the Fleetwood registered Spanish flag of convenience boat, Monte Mazanteu

which has been fishing over 100 miles south west of Newlyn in deep water on the edge of the Continental Shelf...

made ready to land to the back of a Spanish lorry...

under watchful eyes of the local MMO crew...

nearly 500 boxes...

of mainly monk fish...

that's around 17 tons of prime fish...

with no economic net benefit to the UK...

  other than payment of landing dues to the harbour...

all lit up, the Govenek of Ladram is taking advantage of the appalling weather to get the hull anti-fouled and overhauled while she is up on the slip.