
Sunday 23 February 2020

One of our buoys is missing.

Weather data that records temperature, wave height, wind speed and direction etc is constantly transmitted from an array of buoys that surround the UK to help confirm forecast accuracy...

but despite the love shown, buoy 62039 would appear to have parted its anchor...

Buoy 62029 station large red triangle
and drifted a considerable distance from its intended station...

skipper Tristan and netting fleet owner Anthony finish up sorting nets from...

the netter Silver Dawn after landing 11 tons of fish and an 8 hour beam-on steam in poor weather...

despite a growth in the home consumption much of the fish landed in Newlyn is still exported to the EU, this lorry is bound for Spain...

warps are regularly replaced on the trawl fleet...

Mount view...

looks like the Sara Shaun is high and dry at low water...

with an ver-changing display of contemporary art, Coddiwomple, the latest gallery to open its doors in Newlyn.