
Wednesday 4 September 2019

UK's largest scalloper lands in Newlyn.

The UK's largest scalloper, Albion makes her way to the gaps under skipper Will Gillespie...

on a very tranquil Wednesday morning...

the Albion fishes all year all round the UK looking for the most productive scallop beds...

she was closely followed by the sardine boat Pelagic Marksman...

going about their business...

getting ready to land a few tons of sardines...

Smart work, the joys of being a fish buyer...

the insulated tubs are lined up...

ice added...

and the first brail of fish swung ashore...

clip grabbed...

and sardines drop into the tubs...

then another...

and another...

then topped off with more ice...

and the process repeated until the hold is empty...

Falmouth based Spencer Carter designed and built this one-off hauler for Pelagic Marksman skipper Stefan Glinski...

young George Cleave heads back to port Isaac after a slack mornings purchases on a rather scant market...

as the Pelagic Marksman heads back to her berth for the day - she will head out to sea again chasing sardines around 6pm this evening.