
Friday 6 September 2019

September's first #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

Sardines are fished all round the globe using large ring or purse net, there's a huge sardine fishery off the coast of South America including Peru...

skipper and crew form the sardine boat Resolute are here pulling off  their brand new net...

from a Peruvian net manufacturer before making final adjustments and getting it aboard the boat ready for fishing next week...

the latest boats to join the Rowse potter fleet, Bon Accord and Cresca...

a handful of boxes from those inshore boast that managed to get to sea yesterday along with just a couple of beam trawl trips on the market this morning...

though fish seem quiet scarce at the moment...

at first sight, who knew you could eat what is inside these spiky little chaps?..

or even these guys...

turbot make exceptional eating of course, big, white flakes of meat...

while grey mullet have an almost earthy taste to them...

summer season sardines are one pf those fish that just beg to be given the BBQ treatment...

with so little fish on the market the auction draws to a close not long after 7am...

the off conger...

and prime plaice sold and ready to go...

heavy clouds crowd the harbour foretelling a degree of dampness in the air for the day...

the Joy of Ladram, last of the netters left in port......

classic tallship, Lady Avenel...

is available for charter or a wide range of sailing trips around the coastal waters of England, Scotland and Ireland...

one of many visiting yachts makes a dash for the gaps before the forecast strong breeze arrives...

a busy day on the quay for the scalloper, Olivia Jean re-rigging their starboard side dredge beam.