
Friday 23 August 2019

Final #FishyFriday in August.

Fine weather weather and apart from a lonely visiting scalloper and a handful of beam trawlers between trips or undergoing refits the harbour is currently devoid of boats...

it's a wonder what a lick of paint does to transform tired old buildings...

view from the office this morning...

as a bust Friday fish auction gets underway...

with inshore boats like their big beam trawler brothers landing shots of monk and megrim - traditionally, the highest landing value fish on the market...

name that nose...

local octopus look amazing but need careful cooking...

plenty of ray around this week...

and a few good hauls of John Dory from the inshore boats...

along with other quality fish like these brill...

ray show off their pristine white bellys...

an old timer and crawfish vie for bids...

that man Cod had another good-ish day on the bass - true to his art, bass fisherman Cod will only fish with hook and line, no nets for him...

looks like young Roger still hasn't quite got the retirement thing sorted just yet...

the mackerel fridge auction in full swing...

the beam trawler, Cornishman landed probably the biggest shot of plaice on the market this year...

the main auction underway...

pristine handlined pollack all set for sale across the road at Tonkin's fish shop...

a mix of Celtic Cornish pelagic fish...

George just cannot resist the very best bass on the market...

dancing six plus kilo hake off to a good home in London no doubt...

along with some smaller cousins...

Rich Stever, the driving force behind the concept for a Newlyn Fishing Heritage Museum enjoyed a fact-finding tour of the fish auction this morning...

having his first encounter with blue sharks...

got to love Debbie's sense of humour, my Geordie mum would have appreciated that one Debs!