
Thursday 22 August 2019

Back to a day in the life of Newlyn.

Always good to see inshore fish like this ray mix caught by the day boats being landed on the market at Newlyn...

even more so when they land fish more reminiscent of Through the Gaps recent Mediterranean experience!..

however, top amongst the inshore boxes are these bass...

caught by none other than Cap'n Cod on his punt, Butts...

a ray of this size would keep a restaurant going for a day or two...

as would these oh-so sweet monk tails...

as another handful of auction tallies are dropped on a box by George 'fridgemeister' Cleave...

a paint job has transformed the look of some harbour workshops and offices - but where are the tide clocks?..

Ocean Pride is looking very spruce after her big refit and aft net pound and shelterdeck extension...

ex Brixham beam trawler Sasha Emiel and now Troon registered as the 

Olivia Jean and working 17 scallop dredges a side...

young Mr Andrews, aka @CornishLobster heads off for another day hauling his pots...

one of the great steps forward as a result of the new Penlee Lifeboat house being built is that the harbour...

finally has some decent washroom facilities for visiting boats, especially the yellow-wellies in their yachts...

also heading out to haul his two pots (now that he's 'retired')...

Francis steams past a small fleet of punts happy to be fishing for some Mounts Bay mackerel at last...

scalloper Q-Varl from Brixham...

the Joy of Ladram between tides...

mending bag at the ready, taking the easy life...

after another hard day pounding the ocean looking for transgressors of fishing law, the IFCA boat under the command of Shane Liddicoat makes her way in to port...

later in the afternoon, Nigel heads off on the mackerel...

also taking things easy in the sun, skipper Richard puts together another trawl for his fishing tiger...

 looking very shipshape after her paint-up!