
Tuesday 9 July 2019

Nantes Traceable fish, artificial intelligence: fishing reinvents itself

France fishing industry, the industry inter-professional, develops the traceability of the French fishing and accompanies the fishermen face the environmental challenges to raise.

Today, an average of 25% of the supply on fish stalls comes from French boats. France fishing industry, the inter-professional structure of the sector created in 2010, has set itself the goal of filing all these products with its brand "Pavillon France".

"The French fishery represents 200 species, the presence of which varies according to the regions. It is a real chance for consumers to have access to these different products, "rejoices Caroline Morlot, in charge of the communication of the association. which includes fishermen, wholesalers, wholesalers, supermarkets and fishmongers.

France fishing industry carries out collective actions to accompany the professionals in their steps of progress. The marking of fish from French boats is one of them. "This marking is done by the fishmongers (editor's note: wholesale fish buyers on the French coast). It guarantees the freshness and the origin of the boat, namely its registration in a French port. A control, up to the fishmonger, is carried out once a year. Of the 280 French fishmongers, about 200 are members.

In France, fish consumption is stagnating. It is on average 34 kg per year per inhabitant (including processed products). "The French are not the first consumers of fish but they are still among the biggest. "

Along with quality, France fishing industry is interested in good practices to deal with environmental issues. The association partners with researchers several projects with clearly stated objectives. The Celselect project aims to reduce by 50%, with new trawls, unwanted catches, such as juveniles and non-commercial species.

Same thing with the PIC project where repellent gear must allow to reduce by 65% ​​the incidental catch of dolphins. As for the Reverse project, it seeks to reduce the environmental impact of fishing gear, both on the seabed and on the energy consumption of trawlers, which should decrease by 10%.

With the Game of Trawls project with Ifremer, fishing enters the 2.0 era thanks to artificial intelligence technologies that make it possible to imagine the trawl of the future. "This includes recognizing species before they enter the trawl. Launched last January, the project is scheduled for completion in December 2021.

Translated by Google.