
Wednesday 10 July 2019

Mid-week fish market in Newlyn.

Time to take bait aboard the inshore crabber, Nazarene...

before heading off out through the gaps...

mostly inshore trawl fish on the market this morning...

with signs of a few squid with the Shiralee...

and the usual ray wings...

the odd Mediterranean octopus or two...

even a couple of blues picked up in the trawl...

while Tom resisted the temptation to take the only bass he had home for supper...

or this superb tub gurnard...

John Dory figured in all the trips...

while the handline guys are sill struggling to find any decent mackerel marks...

plenty of megrims at this time f year...

along with more quality flats...

and Dory...

enough to keep the Landlord...

and other buyers happy...

with local restaurants keen to buy quality local fish for their menus...

and the odd big ray...

a few more mackerel...

are whisked away...

more signs that the summer sardine fishery is about to start as the Golden Harvest checks over her ring net...

two contrasting beam trawler sterns, the contemporary covered in transom...

and the traditional round open stern...

pot detail...

stacked ready to go...

the never ending supply of trawl warp...

almost low water...

and more of the harbour is revealed, under the fish market...

seems time slows down in the Swordfish on a Friday between 5 and 7pm...

Debbie in the Star has the last word.