
Tuesday 2 April 2019

Fishermen's representatives head for today's Discard Action Group meeting.

Today's Discard Action Group meeting is at Friends House in London and will run from 10.00am to 4.00pm.

Stay in touch with the meeting on Twitter using the hashtag #SeafishDAG

AM Compliance with the landing obligation
  • Three months in - how is 2019 going? Mike Park, SWFPA and Jaswinder Kaur, Defra.
  • MSC consideration of the Landing Obligation in fishery assessment. Tim Davies, Marine Stewardship Council. 
  • Discussion between Government and the supply chain on evidencing full compliance with the LO. Jaswinder Kaur, Defra.
AM Ways to evidence, map and monitor compliance and aid spatial avoidance.
  • Electronic monitoring as a compliance tool. Norman Fletcher, Marine Scotland.
  • Norwegian use of reference fleets. Tom Clegg, Norwegian Marine Research Institute.
  • Shetland Fishermen’s Association paper on reference fleets. Simon Collins, SFA.
  • A new mapping app to identify discard hotspots. Julia Calderwood. Marine Institute.
PM Showcasing how far industry has come in improving selectivity.
  • Overview of DiscardLess. Kenny Coull, SWFPA.
  • Showcase/case studies of new selectivity devices and how they are being used. The session will include recent video footage and will be an opportunity to quiz the skippers themselves. We will have footage of David Milne, Jimmy Buchan, James Stephen and Paul Robertson.