
Tuesday 2 April 2019

Because unity is strength, thirteen Breton ports are grouped together

Last Friday saw official launch in Concarneau of "Fishing Brittany". The name of the brand new inter-port Breton group, which brings together the thirteen Breton ports with fish auctions. The goal is to unite to be stronger and more competitive.

Brittany is now a single port, with thirteen ports spread over the four departments. This regional joint initiative of Brittany, the departments of Côtes d'Armor, Finistère, Lorient Agglomération and the Mixed Union of fishing ports and marinas of Cornouaille, the inter-port grouping "Fishing Brittany" was launched this Friday in Concarneau in Finistère . The union aims to coordinate their actions by involving all the players in the sector. The idea is to strengthen the competitiveness of the Breton fishery, which represented 91,300 tons in 2018. 

These 13 ports are those with auctions:

Quiberon, Lorient, Concarneau, Guilvinec, Loctudy, Saint-Guenole, Douarnenez, Audierne, Brest, Roscoff, Erquy, Saint-Quay-Portrieux and Saint-Malo.

Increased competition with the imminence of Brexit

This grouping is a first in the field in response to three issues, first to harmonise and coordinate the different practices between the thirteen auctions, to enhance the value of fishery products and finally, strengthen the competitiveness of the industry sector by developing synergies, in particular. A national leader in the sector, but which is today in a competitive context increasingly strong, accentuated in recent months by the imminence of Brexit.

A report courtesy of France3 and Gwenaëlle Bron, Stéphane Soviller and Richard Gurgand - Interviews: Loïg Chesnais-Girard, President of the Brittany region - Michaël Quernez, President of the Cornouaille joint fishing-pleasure trade union

Clearly shown in this report is the kind of remote computer auction common to many Breton fish markets.

Brittany: a port with 13 fishing ports.

Pêche de Bretagne associates the ports belonging or falling within the competence of the 5 partners, and in the first place the 13 ports having an auction, with 91 300 tons sold in auction in 2018:

The 5 ports under the responsibility of the Region: Lorient (1st French port with a volume of 22,680 t), Roscoff (4,800 t), Brest (1,920 t), Saint-Malo (1,500 t), Quiberon (1,350 t) tons)

The 6 fishing ports of Cornouaille under the Syndicat Mixte Fishing and Recreational Ports of Cornouaille: Guilvinec (17,100 tons, 1st French port in terms of value), Saint-Guénolé (7,700 t), Douarnenez (5,150 t) ), Concarneau (3,470 t), Loctudy (2,440 t), Audierne (1,130 t);

The two ports belonging to the Department of Côtes d'Armor: Erquy (11,710 t) and Saint-Quay-Portrieux (10,340 t).