
Thursday 14 December 2017

How some fishermen are creating their own database of catch data to protect their livelihoods,

Despite the setback in this years Fisheries Council TAC carve-up - which must have had both Cefas & Defra spitting feathers that the evidence submitted about SW haddock, way above what is the EU norm, was ignored - there are examples elsewhere that show how fishermen can work together, create and most importantly, own their fishing data to argue their case.

Meet Chris Brown. He’s a Point Judith fisherman, adopting game-changing technology to make his catch more sustainable.
There's always been a lag time between getting accurate catch data to the folks who make catch limit decisions – before fish populations change. And that has a serious impact on fishing stocks. But technology and fishermen are changing all that.

Thanks, Chris McGuire, Capt. Chris Brown, Timothy Mooney for help making this come together! 

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