
Wednesday 13 December 2017

Goldfish - well you might think so with the high price

With just the one trip of fish for auction on the market this morning Alan on the @Ajax_Hake must have been well pleased with prices - at £100 a box or more the boys will be looking at a fat Christmas wage packet for the final trip of the year...

even smooth-hounds made good money though whose holding a BBQ at this time of year we are not so sure!..

unusually for a netter a solitary bass managed to get hitched up in a 120mm mesh...

apart from the one netter there were plenty of inshore boats, mostly handliners who put in a hard day at the office including Cod aboard the Butts with a few bass...

all if which kept the bigger buyers digging deep in their pockets...

the Ajax also managed to bag a few John Dory - a seasonal fish dish with roast chestnuts that starred on Saturday Kitchen last week cooked by Tom Aikens......

the buyers were keen to get the fish off the market floor...

Sainsburys will be happy to see a few dogfish on the market as they have been promoting a number of underused species including Cornish sardines of late as part of a national campaign...

mackerel made good money too...

as the Joy of Ladram made her way in to land...

fish was flying out of the market...

and on to the waiting transport...

to be whisked away...

a happy ship is a tidy ship...

as the Joy of Ladram...

begins to land her catch of mainly hake...

fish already sold is already on its way...

with more hake coming ashore...

for Thursday's auction...

no wonder these guys are happy in their work having just heard how sytrong prices were this morning...

so skipper Jimbo will be hoping for the same kind of return for the extra day him and the boys pout in...

down on his way to head out to sea...

Cod checks out a big landing of bass

and figures these were caught in nets rather than by pole and line...

there were around 100kg so well over £1000 worth of fish for the day!