
Tuesday 12 December 2017

Efforts, initiatives and strategies to differentiate small-scale fishery products

Please help us help you!

Small-scale fisheries (SSF, also known as artisanal, local, coastal, inshore) are an important component of global fisheries. However, several factors affect the capacity of small-scale fishers to sell their fish, receive fair prices, and to add value to their catches. Yet there are successful examples that we can learn from and promote.

This rapid assessment survey aims at compiling an inventory of efforts, initiatives and strategies adopted by small-scale fishers, the fishing industry and fishing associations, cooperatives and producers’ organizations, to differentiate their products.

As such we are inviting representatives of small-scale fishers, NGOs, researchers, or anyone involved in the small-scale fishing value chain, to complete this survey. Your answer to our questions will be of great value in identifying the several existing initiatives.

Please complete the survey by clicking here:

All information received will be treated as completely confidential and the data obtained will not be passed on to any other party.

Thank you for your participation.