
Monday 6 November 2017

Monday morning in Newlyn

Boxes everywhere for the buyers busy bidding on this morning's market in Newlyn...

who missed yet another sunning display of natural pyrotechnics post Guy Fawkes night...

with the morning light bringing much of the harbour into sharp silhouette...

as light began to creep across the bay...

and with no wind in the harbour...

the still waters provided mirror-like reflections...

and surreal scenes...

under a heavy sky giving portent of a change in the weather by tonight...

some places use parking cones...

an old saying says that there are three things totally useless on a fishing boat, a watering can, a soldier and a step ladder - however this is no ordinary boat...

but the Butts skippered by the best in the bass business...

for a change the ILB is lagging behind big brother...

work has begun on the whaleback of the port's next inshore crabber...

more ice needed!..

stuff of nightmares should they ever decide to move ashore...

the cuttles are certainly leaving their mark on the fish market floor...

the auction caught on camera again...

just a handful of the 1800kg of haddock put ashore by young Roger Nowell - if there was a realistic quota for haddock in Areas VII E & F then this sort landing would be an everyday scene on the market - one of the main hopes for fishermen in the SW is a significant change in the quota allocation for haddock - which for many boats will be THE choke species that could potentially render the livelihoods of some vessels useless.. 

that man on the Butts has been doing his stuff again - this time giving the father of the port, Dennis Pascoe, a run for his money...

after her little encounter with a pile of rocks the Algrie is back in action, though the amount of plaice landed by her and the other beamers is dropping steadily...

the flat underbelly of the tub gurnard, built to keep as close to the seabed as possible to allow the fish to forage...

each of the buyers, Seabourne Fish, bidding on fish like these MSC Certified hake has their own fish sale's tally...

along with Marisco Fish...

Kelynack Fish...

the Newlyn Fish Company...


the eponymous local merchant James...

Ocean Fish...

Hayle based Wild Harbour...

P.J. Tonkin...

Fish for Thought...


Iceberg Ltd...

Wing of St Mawes...

and Stevensons of course...

all busy bidding...

with space at a premium the cuttles were stacked two high...

big beamers catch big fish like these big butt...

while the Butts catches the best big bass...

all the inshore trawlers landed good shots of haddock...

while Roger managed to bag a good shot of John Dory at the end of the season...

along with almost two tons of haddock...

a dew days after the Hunter's moon the harbour makes a fine setting first thing.