
Monday 13 November 2017

How Jupiter and Venus met on Monday morning in Newlyn.

Ocean Pride all set to land...

on a somewhat chilly morning here in Newlyn...

as the buyers head back inside from bidding on the cuttles...

a rare sight these days, pollack from the Silver Dawn who more often than not lands her fish into France...

while regulars like the Lisa land the usual combination of Dovers, monks and megrim soles...

and the odd bass...

not able to compete with the likes of Cod on the Butts who must have put inconsiderable effort to fish over the weekend giving the strength of the wind and the general sea conditions and demonstrating that just because you now how have a pair of titanium lower limbs it doesn't stop him from putting to sea to earn a living...

buyers busy bidding...

and its bass form the Butts again...

along with a few JDs from the nettter Charisma...

and a few big cod...

the results of many years close working relationship now sees the netters able to land instead of dumping their dogfish, though still subject to a ton per boat per month...

catch of the day goes to the Ajax with this huge trip of hake...

the biggest of fish coming from the Padstow boat though...

this morning a rare event - the God of Sky and Thunder and the Goddess of Love,  Jupiter and Venus, get close this morning...

also on this morning's market, hake form the Britannia V...

happy in his work...

as Stevenson's auctioneers get bust selling the mnorning's fish...

outside the market the Elisabeth Veronique makes her way to the ice plant...

to take ice and water...

close up shot of the top working deck on the visiting Irish trawler, Fragrant Cloud...

as she waits for the tide to rise before she can sail again.