
Saturday 19 August 2017

Take a journey with Scottish Skippers getting to grips with, the ‘Business of Fishing’

Fishinginto the Future launches a new promotional film today, for their unique training course: “Business of Fishing”. The short film follows the Robertson family – fishermen from Gardenstown, Aberdeenshire – as they reflect on what fishing means to them personally, and as they embark on the course to further their understanding of fisheries science and management.
“Fishing’s not just a job as such, it’s a way of life…if I had sons, children, that would want to go into fishing, I hope there is a future in it for them” comments Adam Robertson, as he outlines his reasoning for attending the two-day course, held near Aberdeen in June of this year. His father, Mark, adds: “I think it’s important for the younger generation to actually understand how fisheries are managed: this is something we’ve never been taught in the 34 years I’ve been fishing: how the science interacts with the fishing”.
Participants on the course had the opportunity to learn first-hand from scientists and fishery managers, ask questions and explore different techniques for stock sampling and management. Sessions included and introduction to oceanography, fish biology, and a stock assessment and modelling overview.
Business of Fishing is a training course developed and delivered by the industry-led charity Fishing into the Future as part of their Fisheries Resource Education Programme, in partnership with key representatives from the Scottish fishing industry, and alongside international consultants from the renowned Gulf of Maine Research Institute. Following the successful pilot of the training in Scotland, there is demand for the course to run again in 2018. The concept for the training is based on the US-based ‘Marine Resource Education Program (MREP)’, with delivery and project management by Fishing into the Future, whose remit is to build prosperous and sustainable UK fisheries. The project is funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund – administered by Marine Scotland – and Sainsbury’s.
Mike Park, Chief Executive of the Scottish White Fish Producer’s Association – who joined fishermen from across Scotland’s inshore and industrial fleet at the Business of Fishing training, said “Fishermen of tomorrow will require a wider understanding of the business of fishing.  Husbandry and stewardship of our fish stocks and wider marine ecosystems are now key components of being a professional and successful fisherman.  This course provides a great foundation for delivering the key components of knowledge and understanding.”
        Watch the full film here: