
Friday 30 June 2017

#FishyFriday is here after two days of rain!

Steaming quietly through the mist and rain, Sid on the @karenofladram heads in through the gaps of Newlyn...

just a little too late to join the names on the landings board...

fish slipping out of the side door...

from a busy market floor...

with mink form young Mr Corin on the Sapphire II...

a handful of John Dory from the Twilight III...

and at least four different...

kinds of ray...

from the Cornishman...

these are just some of the red mullet that will be served up later at tonight's, Five at Senara charity meal at Penwith College - there are still a handful of tickets left to enjoy a five course meal that would be the equivalent of dining out on a fish starter from chef @GuyOwenfrom the Idle Rocks in St Mawes followed by a fish starter from Porthleven chef @JudeKereama at Kota  before enjoying a classic Lobster Thermidor from Rick Steins head Padstow chef @Stephane Delourme followed by a lamb & cockle roast from @cheftombrown at Nathan Outlaw's Capital in London followed by a stunning Coffe and Chocolate Opera dessert from Stein's Seafood Restaurant, Stuart Pate - just one of those dishes would be the equivalent coast of the entire meal! - for a last minute chance phone 01736 335114 or email in your booking! - a meal to savour and remember!..and a big thanks to FalFish and the Real Cornish Crab Company for supplying the finest local fish for the night!

they might be sustainable but Newlyn is best known for it's huge diversity of fish...

like these plate-sized brill...

Big Don put away a solid little trip for a handful of days at sea, that little ship fishes so well for him and his crew!..

two+two makes a...

in the spotlight...

rubbish summer weather finds the harbour filling up with boats...

as heavy skies close down the light in the bay...

looks like the fish market refurbishment can't come a moment too soon...

when it is finished the whole of the inside of the market will be chilled like this...

good to see some of the fleet together...

they might not be pretty but these big scallopers catch plenty of shells...

as Lionel, complete with high-viz jacket sees another visitor to a suitable berth.