
Wednesday 29 June 2016

Mizzly mid-week morning market

Just the one prawn trawler still in the harbour this morning...

with the scaffolding still surrounding the foremsts of the Twilight III it could be a few days yet before she is back to sea...

another night stopover for the workboat...

the driving seat of what fishermen sometimes refer to...

 as a gin palace has made Newlyn for the evening...

while neap tides and fine'ish weather mean that all the trawlers and all but a couple of the netters are at sea leaving just a token beam trawler trip...

give Gary something to measure and record this morning...

like these cracking haddock...

juicy John Dory...

despite the below average temperature the market boxes are heavily iced...

so that top quality turbot get to the market in tip-top condition...

and these lively lobsters stay that way...

still no sign of the missing Through the Gaps white coat!

even the gulls think it's a dismal start to the day...

nice little sail boat for sale...

all in a good cause, put the night of Saturday the 23rd of July in your diary and make it a successful fundraising night for the Fishermen's Mission hosted by the Padstow social Club, for some of the cheapest drinks in the port...

although a step ladder is one of 'three things you will never find on a fishing boat' a ladder does come in useful for tidal harbours...

one new trawl all set for the red boat in the background.