
Monday 25 April 2016

Monday morning in Newlyn.

Fishing west of the Scillys always provides an opportunity to pick up John Dory at this time of year as they bunch up, especially in freshy weather...

the Vision II was one the first of the Scottish prawn trawlers to arrive in Newlyn last year and has decided to land some of her whitefish on the market at Newlyn, like these quality megrim soles...

new to the port is the Moray Endeavour...

who landed her prawns over the weekend...

but put her fish on the market this morning...

and like most Scottish boats...

she keeps her monk whole...

the inshore trawlers are always happy to see JDs in the trawl...

as Gary and Colin swap Monday morning market talk over a gurnard or two...

while some of the buyers bid for some better mackerel landings from over the weekend...

with just the one netter landing, hake made good money this morning...

as did these top turbot...

name this prickly character...

must have been a fun day out for the red mullet family...

good landing of brill from the netter, Harvest Reaper...

leaping up from the deep...

this big blackjack was one of a few landed...

44 kilos of medium mackerel, the result of a hard morning's handlining...

pristine pollack...

things are relatively quiet in the harbour...

with visitors from Plymouth...

and beyond...

this classic dutch sail boat...

with her heavily raked counter stern so typical of that part of the world...

though the boat looks entirely traditional hull-wise there are several modern aids on deck along with the solar panels...

heavy duty deck gear on the Willian...

the most modern of navigational aids have replaced the more traditional end of quay light...

possible showers this morning...

which should make scrubbing down the bottom of the Lowenna all the more arduos...

classic lines, counter stern and a straight stem...

typical rigging arrangement for steel trawl doors...

looks like a few days work for the boys aboard the Admiral Gordon...

sea cadets get the chance to sail with their training ship, TS John Jerwood.