
Sunday 24 April 2016

Homage to the guys who work their punts singlehanded.

Skipper Tom McClure, heads back to a berth after taking ice...

and debates whether paddleboarders should adhere to the Rules of the Road when at sea...

as a group of them passed him dowen in the harbour...

the Moray Endeavour prepares to land her first prawn trip inrto Newlyn...

she's taking shape...

at this time of year some skippers look to do a little gardening...

all in a good cause...

landing prawns...

mending the beram trawl at the end of a trip...

early morning...

the Bridgewater registred classic sail boat, Irene...

the derricks for the William are taking shape...

getting pots aboard to go back in the water for the summer season...

the pots are baited with salted mackerel...

one of the most well-known silhouttes in Newlyn...

looks like the mackerel have turned up again...

transhipping at sea...

Barry offering some advice......

as the fish come ashore...

what every modern punt is equipped with...

the mackerel men's day starts at 4am at this time of year...

and for these handliners that means make hay while the sun shines...

but the fish have to be sorted...

by size...

and by hand...

small, medium, and large medium, no large today...

must be fine weather...

the Alexa makes one of her first trips with her new owner at the helm...

as she and the other boats head back to their berths...

the number and size of visiting yachts increases daily...

classic ship, classic stern.