
Monday 16 February 2015

Same sea, different pots, different ports, different boats, same lobster fishing

Apart from the difference in construction the means by which shellfish are fished for remains the same throughout the oceans of the world. In Newlyn the majority of shellfish boats work mainly parlour pots and fish for brown crab - lobsters are a welcome bycatch! A handful of small boats - like the Dreckly boys - fish specifically for lobsters using a handful of pots targeting very specific areas of ground in and around the Bay.

Here's how things are done across the other side of the pond on the East coast of the USA - watch how fish harvesters use traps submerged on the seafloor to catch Atlantic lobster, also known as American or Maine lobster. Traps are attached to lines and marked by floats on the surface. The traps attract lobster with bait and capture them live. Fish harvesters check their traps regularly to haul in their catch. This traditional fishing method has little impact on the seafloor and traps minimal bycatch or unwanted fish. This fishing method is used in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Newfoundland, Maine and Massachusetts.

For more info on Atlantic lobster, visit

For more info on lobster fishing visit:

Producers: Goodforks
Editing: Blue Chip Productions
Videography: Kobb Media

Special thanks to the Canadian Council of Professional Fish Harvesters for providing video and photographs for the production of the video, and to Captain Victor Thibault and his crew.