
Monday 16 February 2015

Monday's market at Newlyn.


or tails...

which head...

a bit like a box of Cadbury's Allsorts, gurnard, mackerel and crab claws...

and more mackerel...

the supermodel of the fish world...

just a few of the 500+ boxes of hake form the Karewn of Ladram's maiden netting trip...

Dublin's best known chef Richard Corrigan's favourite fish...

back in the black...

no sign of the let up in cuttle landings this week...

safety at sea, the Karen's ablaze with deck lights...

as is her covered stern where the entire fleet of gill and trammel nets are kept...

laid to the market...

ahead of one of the port's few wooden netters left in the fleet...

keep on pallet trucking.