
Friday 6 February 2015

Live from UEA tomorrow - Introduction to Oceanography

Introduction to Oceanography

An great Introduction to Oceanography workshop and conference is being run this weekend at the University of East Anglia. Led by renowned resident oceanographer Carol Robinson and of interest to fishermen and many others the weekend course will be livestreamed - using the timetable below watch and listen to the presentations as they happen:

SATURDAY 7 February 2015

09.00 Course introduction and aim Carol Robinson

09.15 Development of oceanography & marine technology Carol Robinson

10.00 Introduction to physical oceanography Rob Hall

13.30 Introduction to chemical oceanography Tim Jickells

14.15 Introduction to biological oceanography Carol Robinson

15.15 ‘“How good was the vis?” –  the science of underwater light, and a start on DIY by oceanography Rodney Forster

16:00 How to be a scientific diver Rodney Forster

SUNDAY 8 February 2015

09.00 Marine biology: from plankton to fishes and fisheries  Simon Jennings

09:45 Effects of increasing temperature and carbon dioxide Carol Robinson

13:30 Antarctic oceanography & marine biology Simon Morley

14.30 Seasearch East  Rob Spray

15.35 Marine conservation Simon Jennings

16.20 Open forum / course evaluation Carol Robinson

Those taking part include:

Carol Robinson

I am a marine biogeochemist working at the University of East Anglia. My research focuses on how the growth of marine plankton affects the cycling of oxygen and carbon dioxide in seawater and the atmosphere. I learnt to dive with Newcastle University Sub-Aqua Club in order to see for myself the underwater environment that I was learning about in lectures. I later became a BSAC National Instructor, and have also undertaken some scientific diving in the Antarctic, Aegean and Atlantic. Although now a mere ‘armchair diver’, I’m still passionate about understanding and conserving the marine

environment. My professional webpage is : @CarolRobinson8

I am a physical oceanographer working at the University of East Anglia. My research is on internal waves and internal tides, their interactions with complex topography such as submarine canyons, and their effect on turbulent mixing, biogeochemical fluxes, and primary productivity. I learnt to dive in Fiji during my gap year before going to university. Although I haven’t dived in a few years, I am a keen kayak fisherman and have spent many hours adrift on the seas around Norfolk and Hawaii.

Tim Jickells

I am an environmental chemist whose research particularly involves work on the scale and impact of atmospheric deposition on the oceans and on coastal nutrient cycling. I’ve been involved in field work from Iceland to Antarctica. I began my working life in Scotland with the Clyde River Purification Board (now part of SEPA) before moving to Bermuda for 7 years working on coastal pollution and ocean biogeochemistry. I learnt to dive in Bermuda and was involved in both recreational and scientific diving. I returned to the UK and UEA in 1985 and have been here ever since, and have never returned to diving in our temperate waters!

Rodney Forster

Simon Jennings

I‘m a marine scientist and adviser on marine environmental management working at the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science in Lowestoft. Most of my work focuses on marine ecology, fisheries and biodiversity. I learnt to dive in the turbid Firth of Forth with the Scottish Sub-Aqua Club and later became a BSAC First Class diver/ Advanced Instructor before moving into scientific diving, especially fish census work, as well as some cave diving. Although no longer active as a diver I keep a keen interest in the topic and a lot of increasingly obsolete gear in the garage. My professional

webpage is :

Simon Morley

I am a marine biologist working at the British Antarctic Survey. My research focuses on how marine invertebrates have evolved to different environments. By understanding the mechanisms by which changes in temperature, light and food availability affect these animals, I aim to predict their vulnerability to future conditions. My professional web page is:

Rob is an active conservation survey diver with Seasearch and runs courses on marine life identification and underwater photography. He has recently retired from BT Research after 24 years in TV and Cinema technology. Rob regularly gives talks on Seasearch diving around East

Anglia, as well as diving and marine life around the world. See