
Friday 6 February 2015

It's a ffffffffffffffreeeeezing #FishyFriday here in Newlyn!

#FishyFriday 's market is full of fish...

keeping the data collection team busy on the market...

more tall tails...

the eyes have it...

won by a short nose...

and staying in the black as the cuttle catches drop away...

the biggest landing of the day reserved for the 180 boxes...

of hake...

from the Govenek of Ladram...

with good prices keeping the buyers on their toes and warm...

with a good mix of whitefish to go with the hake...

a good mix of sizes...

with the bulk of the hake catch around the 2-3 kilo range...

a bit like the woman of sailors of yore, a box in every port...

those cuttles leave their mark and a few hours work washing down every day...

down the quay the latest boat in the fleet is nearly ready to sail...

while visiting Brixgam beamer Harvester takes shelter overnight...

with her 3m trawls for close inshore work...

there's a full moon setting this morning over Chywoone hill...

Sapphire II, one of the big beamers that landed this morning.