
Monday 5 January 2015

Sunday, and off to a good start.

On reflection before the sun gets up...

Barry the bass, the fisherman who stars on the cover of the Salt of the Earth, sales of which have now made over £21,000 before the New Year!...

gets to grips with the new electricity supply down the pontoon  berths...

bow study...

the hands of a man who has spent a lifetime at sea cutting up bait for his pots, wrasse make great bait for lobsters which is just as well because rumour has it W Harveys have been paying £25 a kilo - which means there must be very few lobsters about!..

bait now split open and ready for the pot...

then it is time to head off and haul the pots before the weather breaks again..

inshore trawlers are always pushed for clear working deck space...

powerhouse of the smaller under 10m fleet...

like the Sowenna make use of net drums to help keep the working deck clear of gear...

whereas this small cat from St Ives has taken a novel approach to keeping shellfish live aboard the boat by having a vivier built into the hull without encroaching on any working deck space...

the Mayflower has been putting ashore good trips of sardines since she started fishing just before Christmas...

as can be seen from the 'tide' marks on her bulbous bow...

double indemnity on the Bonnie Grace...

lets hope they keep it this way for good while yet, stay safe at sea...

and keep the lifeboats in their berths...

dredging operations in the entrance to Penzance harbour continue into the new year...

with the spoil being dumped several miles offshore....

having fished over the New Year, the Ajax has made her first landing of the year and now heads off to Penzance dock for a short break over the coming spring tide...

there's plenty of mackerel for some during the daylight hours...

and a good run of fish too...

 almost stripped to the hull.