
Monday 5 January 2015

First Monday market of 2015 and there's plenty of fish for all.

The new arrivals and departures board for the boats that spend more than a day at sea is getting busier...

netted monk from the New Harmony on the market...

with a solitary JD in a box...

there's plenty of monk on the ground these days...

and even the megrims are showing up well in the catch logs for the beam trawlers working the deeper water...

filling the market...

not sure what kind of frog though...

but these bass are as fresh as they come - check out those reddest of red gills...

contrasted with the blackest of black cuttlefish...

a huge shot of codling...

the marks left by gillnet on a fish...

the Ajax's hake keep an eye on the price as the auction starts...

with the buyers paying over £4 a kilo for the bigger sizes...

outside the sun has yet to stir itself...

as the Billy Rowney comes alongside the quay...

with a 300 box trip on board.