
Sunday 5 October 2014

Who can identify the Karina Olsen?

@sprite1967 wants to get in touch with the owner of the ex anchor seiner or 'snubby' the Karina Olsen - which she thinks was previously the Dover Star which her father skippered until 1981 out of Grimsby. The boat has been in Grimsby dock for years and is now in Penzance.

These anchor seiners used to make trips up to three weeks using a seine net fishing mainly for plaice in the North Sea. They were capable of riding out appalling weather when lying at anchor - the bunks in for'ard accommodation had sliding doors to keep their occupants from falling out!

Anyone who can confirm that the Karina Olsen was indeed the Dover Star or who can put Moy G in touch with the present owner should tweet her - @sprite1967