
Monday 6 October 2014

Identity crisis...

When is a sole not a sole, when it's a monk..

happy hake...

better known as black jacks locally...

otolith hunting from turbot...

 top quality inshore turbot...

head to tail cod style...

an early morning film crew capture the market buzz on a busy Monday market...

with the harbour full owing to the poor weather last night, the first serious blow since the summer, which left only a few of he bigger boats still at sea...

good to see the boats still doing their bit to green the planet...

the Tamar class RNLI lifeboat Grace Dixon will no doubt sail this morning as she makes her way north despite the big swell running in from the west ...

paint job in progress...

its seems last night's storm damage in Newlyn was restricted to the local flora...

though cyclists on the prom...

had to take care of the odd encroaching wave...

stocking up for opening day in Newlyn no doubt.