
Friday 24 January 2014

Pollacks! - its time to #EatMoreFish on #FishyFriday

Plenty of #fishyFriday fish this morning...

some from the local lad, the Cornishman...

plenty of monk tails...

while the Twilight III...

mustered a big trip of megrims...

to attract the buyers attentions...

the boats make good use of the roes form the fish at this time of year...

when there are always good shoals of grey mullet around...

one monster of the deep...

the red tub gurnard shows off its big red mouth...

these stripey chaps are making excellent prices owing to their scarcity...

just the one netter landed this morning...

a good trip of big white fish...

from the Padstow boat, Charisma...

like these boggle-eyed pollack!