
Thursday 23 January 2014

Fishermen's Mission fundraiser in memory of men lost on trawler Bugaled Breizh

A crowd gathered in the village of The Lizard to remember five Breton fishermen who died ten years ago when their trawler, the Bugaled Breizh, sank with all hands. Many have claimed the boat was dragged under by a British submarine – although despite an investigation that allegation has never been proved. 

To mark the tenth anniversary, an evening of song and stories of the sea was held at The Top House last Wednesday. The evening was also raising money for the Fishermen's Mission in Newlyn. Julian Waring, of the Fishermen's Mission; Jamie Glasby, landlord; and organiser Beatrice Kerno are pictured holding the photo. ​

Julian Waring, of the Fishermen's Mission, Jamie Glasby, landlord, and organiser Beatrice Kerno hold the photo of the Bugaled Breizh before an evening of song to support the Fishermen's Mission. 

Picture by Keith Richards.

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