
Monday 2 September 2013

French fishing vessel Scuderia runs aground off the Lizard.

The AIS track shows the boat fishing south of the Lizard then steaming for Roscoff and then heading back to sea and the course that took on to the rocks.
The trawler Scuderia ran aground at Lankidden Cove, between Cadgwith and Coverack, on the eastern side of the Lizard Peninsula, on Wednesday evening. It emerged that one of the fuel tanks on the Scuderia had been damaged when it ran onto rocks at around 11pm on Wednesday. The following morning, council staff put up signs warning people to stay out of the cove and a boom was placed around the trawler to contain the leak as much as possible. 

The boat has remained firmly stuck and all attempts to re-float the vessel have so far failed. It is believed another attempt will be made on Monday. 

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