
Monday 10 June 2013

Monday's market

Getting ready for the Cornish Sardine season...

the netters are all back at the end of this neap tide, with one of the biggest tides of the year due in a fortnight's time around the summer equinox...

sparkling fish as ever from the beamer Sapphire...

as you would expect from a member of the Responsible Fishing Scheme...

even the reds were red!!!...

hen's teeth, the fish formerly known as mackerel, affected by the prevailing easterly wind and unseasonal water temps...

a few rays on an otherwise dull day...

and a handful of blues...

brill don't get much bigger than this!...

first sport for a Stelissa  tally on the market...

top quality from the inshore fleet... 

plenty of cod around too...

#uoechallenges students from Falmouth up bright and early get the low down on the market and all things fishy from Andy Wheeler...

Tom keeping a weather eye on the small yacht anchored off Newlyn, #uncomfortable...

that easterly wind is piling up the fertiliser on the beach...

along with a dhan from PZ122.