
Monday 10 June 2013

Another big fishing investment arrives in Newlyn

On the good ship Karina Olsen an ex-anchor seiner from Grimsby, skipper Olsen expunds on the state of the world...

before pointing to...


one can only guess...

maybe a swimming story, to go with all the new flags in the Jubilee Pool... 

two classic buildings alongside one of the towns classic white elphatnts...

one up one down...

the harbour has been graced this weekend by yet another big investment in the future of fishing for the port inthe shape of another netter for the Carter firm, the Joy of Ladram...

two of the old guard...

oner of the newer netters and the steel crabber...

c'mon Nathan, shes looking good!...

visting scalloper Braveheart with a very low freeboard for these waters...

plenty of passing yellow-welly traffic...

pots to go...

the new netter bow on...

with her old comant colours picked out...

like many French netters, her hauler is on the port side...

with a set of sheltered net pounds back aft.