
Wednesday 27 February 2013

Your fishing industry needs your help.

A wee something in DEFRA's inbox....I await a reply !

We are now paying a very high price for fuel (up 8p since December) and are receiving the lowest prices for cod, haddock and other species for many years(down approx. 30%). Along with quota leasing costs, misleading tv chefs and the huge amount of imports coming into this country the fleets are now balancing on the edge of unviability.

With freedom of speech there is little can be done with a spouting cook, nor with the current CFP and quota system can there be a quick fix on quota leasing, BUT there is a way the British government can stand up for the industry that they have brushed aside for years..... Raise the levy or import tax on foreign fish imports. Norway has increased it's quota for cod so much in northern Norway that they are managing to deliver cod to the fish yards of Britain via the Humber for less than it costs us to lease the quota to catch them. 

It costs Scottish fishermen approx. £1.80/kg to lease cod quota, then you have fuel, food, equipment, commission, landing dues, levies, all on top of this before even trying to get a wage for the crew. Norway can deliver cod for £1.60/kg undercutting the market and making it unviable for UK fishermen to land them at the current price we receive. The same is to be said of haddock from Iceland and Faroe. 

These countries have shown no respect to the EU regarding the mackerel stock which they are now fishing against all scientific and ICES advice, but the sanctions you have threatened them with have never been enforced.

Help your fishing industry now... Enforce the sanctions on Iceland and Faroe and increase the tax on imports.

Robert Buchan John A Buchan