
Wednesday 27 February 2013

More responses to HFF from North of the border!

Roger Harrabin the BBC environment correspondent quote "A big task to restock the oceans after more than 100 years of destructive industrial fishing" Who has supplie this information to this very mislead man, what a silly statement to make, what a frustrating battle we have against these misguided individuals but we must win, this tells the british public that we are industrial pirates with no fish left and we must be stopped, we are family run boats mostly and we will not tolerate these statements making us out to be sea rapers,, Chaz

in Hugh Fearneley Whittingstall,s 1st programme he played a game on the beach called "the fully protected game".hugh stated only 0.001% of the UK waters were fully protected the word "fully"is very important here in scottish waters there is many areas closed off to fishing ie west of scotland wind sock(more than 12years closed) coral edges around rockall/scottish haddock box sw of rockall.long hole we also have 3 month seasonal closures in place at papa bank/coral edge/stanhope, to add to these closure,s there are 10 realtime closures every month,last year there was 173 rtc,s closed thats nearly 9000sq miles of fishing grounds its self,then we have 5 new marine protected areas that were put in place last year which are.antorn dohrn seamounts/east rockall bank/pobie bank/solan bank reef and the hatton bank mpa which is a massive 15.694 sq miles its self,if you were to add up all these closures up you have quite a few sq miles close off to fishing...and deepwater fisherman who have fished the west coast of scotland for many years look like getting a ban on trawling in the deep water... hugh uses the word"fully" saying that because a angler can cast a line or a lad can shot a creel then in these area,s then they are not fully protected....complete rubbish ..what is Hugh real deluded agenda because it looks very antifishing to me............jc