
Thursday 21 February 2013

Fish Fight round 2 - seconds out

How some people prepared for round two........

Been to stornaway today for a yoga lesson,bought some herbal tea and josticks and am settling down to wtch #fishfight in a calm relaxd state

sadly all that preparation didn't seem to work...

Oh balls, I'm losing it with just the first 30secs. Aaaarrrrgggh #hughsfishfight

Note to admins,think we should maybe sign our name to our posts, mainly so we get to know each other more, thanks chaz

Boat not moving super imposed photo, is this a trick ?

MT @Wildlife_Jason "I got krills & they're not multiplying, we'd better shape up!" (Sung to a classic Grease song!) #fishfight :)

No krill on our menu tonight but could penguins take to our prawn head crispies ? #fishfight

Fascinating to see how krill are caught. Good work KEO films. #fishfight

I'm looking for investors my boat a bit small If Hugh sells this right we should have a fleet of 10 by end the year #eatkrill

80% of that #krill ends up in petfood or animal feed. How many consumers know that? #fishfight

Skippers declare war on TV chef - Business - Whitby Gazette:…

@Realfishfight better than that bet they paid for his trip as he is there hero #nuggets

we buy 100% shields fish and export 100% try and get skinned whiting fillets into supermarket

Using the phrase " imagine if,,," to scaremonger!!. I like to "Imagine if" I won the Lottery!! But hey! @FishFight

1000 should get the market going #eatmorekrill

@butterflyfillet yes that's the differance we couldn't supply the country without some levels of imports,but flooding our market is to much

We've been working with our friends @MRC_marine to call for better protection in South Georgia seas #fishfight #MPAs

Want to know more about #krill & why we are worried? Check out our scientific report… #fishfight

@butterflyfillet good luck with that,cuz we have plenty quota up here for whiting,but only got £19 per 45k box last week,,need more markets

@Tom1Seaman buy british,buy local with less food sustainable can fish be thats caught in the artic sent to China procesed then EU?

Most of the world's albatross species endangered due to longline fishing hooks - but solveable by changing gear #fishfight

Find out more about Antarctic krill at #fishfight

@DevonScallops totally agree, see previous tweet. Need a spokesperson to get on air and state real facts.

Odd to see scientists resistant to backing marine protection. Not a good look #fishfight Marine protection is small change to govt really..

Its a shame when conservationists are put in a position where they have to lie for the sake of funding. #fishfight #ironic

£3 million a year! He could almost pay for that himself!! #fishfight

What about our seas closer to home? 127 Marine Conservation Zones are vital. Join our march on Monday #fishfight

Join Hugh's march to Westminster on Monday and send the government a powerful message about MPAs around the UK.

"@GeorgeMonbiot: How @seafishuk profited from black landings:… …" The debate is hotting up..

I back a marine protected area around South Georgia. Well done Hugh. UK role obvious. What can the EU do? #fishfight

Check out what CE&5 other NGOs in the #MarineReservesCoalition have been doing to get better protection in S.Georgia:

Bioglan Red Krill Oil is fully sustainable as certified by the @MSCintheUK #krill #fishfight @AkerBioMarine

'A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on it's shoes' #lost #shoe #Schier

@Tom1Seaman it's sad that we have a fantastic product at our door step,sadly not being utilised as it should be,,our stocks are growing

What's a seafood-lover to do? amongst other frauds, nearly three-quarters of the sushi was mislabeled.#traceability

1/2 Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon says Govt is starting slow with marine conservation zones to get them right. He has a point.

Even my fish scientist boyfriend isn't impressed with HF-W!! Says it looks like he's got his own agenda & everyone else is wrong. #fishfight

on a different tack altogether but trending on Twitter!

Everyone is abuzz about seafood fraud today! Our take on the seafood bait & switch: RT @Oceanwire RT @Fishbiology

@hughsfishfight so after geting out on the boats and supporting the fishermen yous are doing everything to ruin there livelihoods #fishfight

@wwf_uk So are you going to stop Norwegian colleagues taking cash from company that promotes krill fishery in Southern Ocean? #fishfight

@catfish100plus @hughsfishfight I'm looking forward to meeting Hugh on Monday for an interview... #fishfight in "protected" marine environments. And money and politics get in the way of everything. #FishFight

then theree was the raving Aussie!...
@hughsfishfight - Hugh for PM!! #fishfight